
The Ladies Friendship Group:

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month during the winter months and is open to all women in the community. They have a varied syllabus and meet at 7.30 pm, unless otherwise stated.

Office Bearers

Hon President Rev Alison Mehigan

President Kaye Skinner

Treasurer Beth Meek

Secretary Jessie Holmes 

Men’s Fellowship:

This group of Christian men meet every two weeks on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm from October to March [except in December and January when they meet at 1.30pm] Meetings meantime take place in the Church Hall where they regularly enjoy a variety of talks and presentations from visiting speakers. It has a varied schedule including visits to places of interest. 


The Fellowship is always ready to welcome new members and warmly invites men in the congregation and their friends and the wider community to come along and enjoy evenings of fun and fellowship as well as interesting and informative illustrated talks. 

Membership is £15 per session or £2 per meeting.


Rev. Alison Mehigan, is our Honorary President.

Our President John Holmes chairs the meetings, assisted by Vice President William Wordie

Meetings in Church Hall.

October, November, February and March at 7.30pm.

December and January at 2.30pm


The Choir practise every Thursday evening at 7pm during term time.

There are no practices during the summer school holidays.

The Choir are always hoping to recruit new members. We lead the Congregation in Hymn singing and sing a short Introit and an Anthem most Sundays. Even if you cannot read music, we would give lots of encouragement and help to anyone willing to join us, as we are all very keen that the choir is able to continue as a vital element in our worship.

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